Saturday, September 23, 2006

"Trust Not in Yourself"

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Imagine a walk with the Lord in which you make all the decisions, not asking God for his input or guidance. Where prayer is not a daily event. The Bible is just a coffee table decoration, and his word is not in you. Sound crazy? Then why should your walk with your wife be any different than your walk with God? You have a hefty role as the head of your God centered house, God, being the center of your life, needs to be in the center of you marriage as well. Even Christ, who is the embodiment of God, prayed without ceasing. He spoke with God about everything, as well should we as men, and as husbands. The precious woman you have been given as your wife deserves to know that when she submits to your authority, your not going at it alone. So trust not in your understanding, cause you don't fully understand, let God guide you. You owe it to her.

(Next time you feel your temper getting hot with your little lady, stop, go away for a minute, and pray. When you come back, let God help you work it out.)

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